The big news is that I'm no longer in Iowa. Earlier this week I made the drive from the Hawkeye state to the big mitten state, also known as Michigan. I'm now living in Ann Arbor and will be starting at UM in the fall. So far, the town seems lovely and the people quite friendly.
I'm living in a strange little community called the Village. I think that it seems like a collection of Hobbit houses, but it has a certain charm. The community was built in the early '40s to house workers from Ford's B24-Liberator aircraft factory, which was located between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Following the war, the Village became home to returning GIs and their families. So, the place certainly has an interesting history. And, the apartment itself isn't bad either. There's a basement, hard wood floors, high ceilings, and a little deck. The community also has a swimming pool and tennis courts. Weirdly, though, there seems to be a dearth of wildlife. I've seen very few birds, squirrels, rabbits, or other little beasties. It's odd.
I anticipate being quite busy with school and various jobs, but I'm going to try to be better about posting. In the meantime, here are some old ads for the Village, courtesy of the Ann Arbor District Library.
Here's the layout of my place:

I pressed the "Next Blog" button on my site and this came up. I saw you made the comment that no one will read this, but I'm here to let you know someone has. Keep it up!
Hello from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! Blog-hopping lead me here. People DO read your blog. Haha.
Will do. And, thanks for the comment! It's also encouraging to think that some else is seeing my musings. Cheers.
Nice place. But what's going on with "the Boyfriend?"
Thanks. Things with the Boyfriend are good. He's finishing up the PhD at Iowa, with the goal of being done by the end of the year. Then, hopefully, he'll be joining me in the Hobbit house.
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