Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Whoo hooo!!! It's New Year's Eve!!! Makes is sound like we're having a wild time, huh? Not so much. It's about 5:00 pm and I'm curled up under a quilt writing this blog entry, the Boyfriend is napping (though will be woken up soon by me if he doesn't rouse on his own), and it's snowing outside-- again. It seems that we've gotten snow at least once a week for the past month and I have to say, I'm getting a little tired of it. Sure, it's picturesque-- frosty trees, the snow cat in the neighbor's yard, snow capped campaign signs in front yards--but it's also cold and wet. And, we haven't seen the sun in ages. Ugh. But, the new year is upon us and the weather is supposed to warm in the next few days, so things are looking up.

In other news, I successfully took the GREs this morning. (Successfully meaning that I emerged in one piece unscathed by gnarly algebraic equations.) I took the GRE about seven years ago, but wouldn't you know that your scores are only good for five years, hence, my morning of test taking fun. The verbal section was a-okay, but no one is going to mistake me for a would-be mathematician or statician. That said, it's done and I feel fairly confident that I will never have to memorize quadratic equations ever again. And, after finishing the test by 11:30 am I was able to spend the rest of the day lounging on the couch and taking in a Law and Order marathon in between catnaps.

We're planning on a cozy evening in to welcome the new year, complete with a festive dinner of homemade calzones. We had these for Christmas Eve dinner and liked them so much that we decided to make them again. They are incredibly easy to make and taste fabulous. While you could make these with store bought dough, the dough is super easy to make at home if you use a mixer. I used a recipe from the Baking Illustrated cookbook and it was a snap.

Here are a few pictures, from mixing to eating:

Mixing the dough in the mixer using the dough hook.

The dough resting in an oiled bowl, pre-rise.

Post-rise-- two hours later.

I divided the dough into six sections, two of which are resting here on the baking sheet waiting for us to shape into tonight's calzones.

The Boyfriend, pictured here, closes his calzone filled with vegan ricotta (homemade!), vegan mozzarella, vegan sausage, red peppers, and roasted garlic tomato sauce.

The Boyfriend and my calzones, stuffed, shaped, and ready for the oven.

Fifteen minutes later. Mine is on the left.

A peek inside the inside of my calzone-- ooey gooey with peppers, ricotta, and mozzarella. Yum!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Six Days and Counting...

With caucus night nearly upon us, just six days away-five if you count caucus night itself-Iowa Democrats are getting ready to decide who they want to choose as their presidential nominee. With Clinton, Edwards, and Obama in a virtual dead heat here in the state, it's anybody's guess what will happen on caucus night. Although I've been a loyal Edwards supporter for months now, I went to an Obama event this morning at Northwest Junior High School in Coralville. I got there early enough to sit in the second row (hence the pictures of the senator looking directly at me) which not only meant that I had a great view and was able to make eye contact with the senator, but also that I was able to meet Obama after his speech and shake his hand. And, to be honest, I found him incredibly inspiring. There is just something about the man-- not just what he says in a well honed stump speech, but what he makes you believe is possible about America. I realize this sounds a little hokey, but he truly does make you think that change is possible and the country can be a better place. I'm not saying that I'm abandoning Edwards, but I am carefully (re)considering my options and the candidates. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, here are a few other pictures from the Obama event today and a Hillary Clinton event I attended in Mount Pleasant, Iowa earlier this week.

Iowa Congressman Dave Loebsack introduces Senator Barack Obama at a campaign event at Northwestern Junior High School in Coralville on Friday, December 28th.

Senator Barack Obama telling Iowans that it's time to "Stand for Change." And, stand they did at the end of his speech.

Former President Bill Clinton introduces Senator Hillary Clinton at Mount Pleasant High School on Wednesday, December 26th.